Natalie Brack
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Liczba pozycji: 1
The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs 2/2015 – ebook
Natalie Brack Ladislav Cabada Ryszarda Formuszewicz Niklas Bolin Jeffrey Stevenson Murer Renaud Thillaye Claudia Chwalisz Karol Chwedczuk-Szulc Mateusz Zaremba Szymon Bachrynowski Stefan Mercier Robert Ford Kacper Rekawek
Articles Nathalie Brack Radical and Populist Eurosceptic Parties at the 2014 European Elections: A Storm in a Teacup? The integration process has now entered a new and more difficult phase characterised by mass Euroscepticism and the rise of radical and populist parties. Against the backdrop of the economic crisis, Euroscepticism has become increasingly mainstreamed in the sense that it has become...Data dostępności: