Jacek Jadacki
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Liczba pozycji: 2
Being and Duty – ebook
Jacek Jadacki
The book is comprised of three components. The first component analyses the creative contribution to the theory of imperatives and norms provided by 20th-century Polish researchers. The second component summarizes their reflections and considerations. The third component is an anthology of the classic writings of Polish authors of the time; it constitutes an illustration of the first part and indicates...Data dostępności:
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Intuition and Analysis – ebook
Anna Brożek Jacek Jadacki
The photograph on the front of this book is, in a way, a double symbol. Firstly, it presents the Lvovian philosophical milieu around 1925 when its three main figures were Kazimierz Twardowski, Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz, and Roman Ingarden. Secondly, it reflects the tension between the two approaches to philosophy referred to in the title: “Intuition and Analysis.” The central item of the photograph is...Data dostępności:
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