Jan Muś
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The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs 1/2015 – ebook
Mohammad Houshisadat Sławomir Raszewski Jan Muś Seda Krdar Bruno-Pierre Carrier Jakub Wódka özgün Erler Bayır Mukhit B. Assanbayev Natalia Nowak Maciej Szylar
Articles Mohammad Houshisadat Persian Gulf Gas and LNG in the EU’s Goals for Security of Gas Supply by 2030 Energy is the major challenge of the 21st century and the world’s energy mix will change in the future, predominantly to renewables, followed by natural gas. The European Union will be the foremost gas importer by 2030 and the rate of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) imports will double by 2020. The...Data dostępności: